Thursday 25 January 2018


New music by tuspark ogebe

  Distinct songs  matched with great lyrical prowess is what comes to mind when the name Tuspark ogebe is mentioned,the rising star,has been able to carve a niche for himself in an industry filled with different sounds.Tuspark ogebe has been relentless on his journey to the top,while his fans are still enjoying his last offering "Hello" He starts 2018 with this new single titled "flaws". it's a song filled with so much message,the most conscious song coming from a Nigerian artiste thus far 2018.Great melody also,just like a breath of fresh air,he delivers effortlessly.enjoy!
  Role Models are great people around us who has stepped on the path that other men has not stepped, a lot of people look up to role models they try to become unique like them and act like them, they also read their motivation and inspirational message to be inspired by their words.


Bill Gate the showed a lot of courage,
he never gave up even at tough times for Microsoft,
Bill Gates is a bright and happy person. 
He loves to donate money to save people's lives.

Genevieve Nnaji
mentors young girls through her 
Saint Genevieve Foundation
She helps assist young girls to                                                                                    become independent and self                                                                                            sufficient through financial and 
social support.


A great educationist who inspired Nigerians  
and help build a strong foundation
 for students and teachers,
 A political activist, playwright and poet
His contribution to scholarship are known worldwide.


Few people in the world are role models while the rest people are followers, every followers need a leader to guide them and help them with their decision makings, they look up to their leader and learn the way their leader handles situation and completes his task. In this case for example:

    Jesus Christ son of God who died for our sins was the greatest role model throughout time he had twelve disciples who were his followers everywhere he went his followers were there, the followers look up to Jesus Christ, they learned to pray through him and never made decision on their own without seeking counselling, every steps Jesus took he was the role model for the believers, assuming Jesus Christ made a mistake we won't be forgiven for our sins rather we will continue to live in sin but our role model became a great role model for us and offered us great things and created more role models in the world.

the role models are of two categories we have the good and the evil when we follow the good role models we also have a chance of becoming a good role model for others but if we decide to follow the bad role models then we become evil and teach others evil like in the case of role models who are in different kind of cults they have corrupted the mind of people in the world and people are not aware of this evil role models so they wish to be like them due to the wealth the role models have attained because to unbelievers only wealth is power so they continue to follow the wrong role models.

Role models are examples to people in the word for example when you live with your father anything your father do you also want to do, anything your father eats you also want eat, if your father marries two wife's you also want to marry two wives unless if you accept god almighty in your life.

Famous politicians, musicians and the scientist are role models so choose wisely who you want to take as your role model.

 they are role models because they have been in the game before you they have experience which you dont have, they have done thing you have not done yet, role models are strongest in the world while followers are beginners, Jesus Christ who was a role model was in line before us, God brought him to the world for a purpose and he met others, he became a role model because he found out all the hidden secret of Christianity made several research of Christianity and never put God to the test so therefore you can see he knew things that others didn't know.

Some of the president in the world today are not role models they are just a puppet on the chairs looking for followers to be like them if you are deceived you also become a puppet, Donald trump for me has become a role model even thou he has enemies around him he has created peace lets face the fact, people around the world lookup to him for unity.

The devil who is a deceiver and never to be trusted is a role model to the unbelievers and continue to be unless they accept Jesus Christ as their role model.

When you look up the cloud and look down what do you see, the cloud is empty while the ground is full with people same  goes with our view on wrong role models we see them but what they offer us is blank and evil there is no good passing to our life.

Lets embrace our role models who are contributing immensely to our life and lets also become a role models to others


A lot of role models lack qualities of a good leader,  they fail to support others and infect otheirs with their passion, they remain hidden in the world, they are selfish and think of themselves only.

To become a true role models we must have all the qualities that will make us reach out to people in the world.

Children are great imitator so give them something to imitate.


We have several role models in all field such as sciences, technology, arts, music, men of God, politicians, models, and so on, every industry have a role model someone unique, your boss can be your role model.
A world without role models can not be in motion because nobody to learn from, no life experience to learn from, nobody to look up to, just like today that legends who have died long ago continue to be our role models so the world is still in motion.

Friday 19 January 2018

uniqueness is  what differentiate us from others we are in a world where everyone has become influenced by other people action by thinking the way others do and acting the way they act to the extent that we are lost in somebody else world and we are unable to build our own new world, thinking and acting the way others do is an advantage to get their own perspective on how they view their surrounding but we must not go deeper into their world or else we will forget our own willpower. 

 A thousand bulb and only one stands out .

Our uniqueness makes us special, makes perception valuable - but it can also make us lonely. ...If everyone would look for that uniqueness then we would have a very colorful world.

Every great man is unique.

                                      The Uniqueness Of Christ
                         His death was the supreme purpose of his birth
            To all others, death is inevitable and unwelcome Heb 9:27.
            Christ'"s death was deliberately chosen. Heb 2:12-14; John 10:17-18

Independence is all about acting alone without any support from people around you.
As a child we learned to walk by getting support from our mother, we learned to ride a bicycle through the help of people around us and we were able get everything we needed from our parent but the disadvantage is we were not free to make our own choice and there was no freedom in our life we never lacked, we were always fed but the moment we were left on our own independence started and we became free to make our own choice and mistake.

with independence begins success, every great men became independent, few countries became great due to independence.

When we live our life by getting support we will never know our true self and push beyond our limit rather we remain in our comfort zone without tapping greatness and success which is part of us for example a driver test a vehicle by driving at a full speed to know how fast it goes in order to differentiate the car from others. same thing goes for every human being if we are not independent we can never test our limit on how far we are willing to go for us to achieve our goal.
A person with support will always be lazy and can never stand alone when crisis arise rather he will look for another supporter to lift him up and he remains in the same position as he was before without advancing in his analytical thinking.

An independent man or woman has super powers over others and they are not playful when it comes to being successful, they are often proud because of their success and growth but deep down they are simple and willing to share their life experience to others.

our number one lesson in life starts the moment we are independent.
A lot of people who work in an organisation are dependent on their boss and are not able to take decision without their boss taking decision for them, in terms of financial aspect they depend on company salary to survive so everyone have gotten influenced by this that no one is able to think outside their comfort zone, what makes people unique has been caged so they act like their boss wishing to be their boss instead of acting differently from their boss aiming to be better and start their own company. 

Thinking Independently
  1. Accept Yourself. You cannot build a strong, independent you if you cant live with yourself
  2. Believe in yourself. ..
  3. Accept the world. ...
  4. Be emotional independent. ...
  5. Be self motivated. ...
  6. Be your own hero. ...
  7. Accept that life is not fair. ...
  8. Stop caring about what other people think.